To others, I'm sure completing a mini marathon isn't as big of a deal as it is to me. It's a lot of miles to run, which is an accomplishment in and of itself... but it's bigger than that for me.
Since 2005, I've had a huge milestone.
2005- Met Cam
2006- Graduated high school, started dating Cam, and moved to college
2007- Accepted into ED program and Cam's open heart surgery
2008- Got engaged and became an aunt
2009- Graduated college
2010- Got married
2011- Bought a home....
I thought 2012 would be the year I got a teaching job, got pregnant or started a family................. but none of those happened (or will happen)..... I couldn't let 2012 be the year without a milestone....
I started eating better and running.... and before I knew it, the goal to run a mini marathon before the year ends was in my head and stuck there. I was shooting for September but that fell through due to the shin splints.... I was determined to get my legs better and get back on track... and that I did.
It's done. 2012 is the year that I ran the half marathon. All 13.1 miles of it.
I pushed a little too hard and sI've passed up chances to spend time with family and friends because I had a long run scheduled that day, but running had to be a priority if I wanted to keep on track. I was determined.... to me, it's more than just running..... it's an emotional attachment to prove that I didn't let myself down in 2012. I didn't fail. I just had a different route to take for 2012... a detour if you will... and life will get back on track hopefully in 2013.... If the first thing on my hopeful list up there doesn't happen next year, don't be surprise if a full marathon doesn't pop up for me in 2013! haha
Until Next Time...
bed bath beyond throw pillows
2 years ago
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