Friday, November 16, 2012

James 1:19

I believe in a higher power, pray and have faith.... at the same time, I'm trying to come to terms with where my life is and I'm struggling with the things coming my way. I'm trying to remember that good things come to those who wait and the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle, but remembering all that gets very diffcult for me at times.... I feel as though I've paid my dues in life and played by the rules, but I'm not getting the things I 'deserve'. Probably a horrible way to think.... and I'm working on it...

In the last year, I feel my stress level raising higher and higher from all of this, and at the same time, my amount of worry increases. The stress and worry have lead to many bad moods and much edginess with my loved ones...mostly my husband. I'm quick to snap, judge, and fight back to some things he says lately.... After some down time, I remember that we are in this together and I say my apologies, but it seems to happen more and more often as time goes on... as life seems to get more difficult and unfair. (Again, I know... horrible way to think and I'm working on it.)

While scrolling through Pinterest (like I always seem to be doing!) this pin almost seemed to stop right in front of me. I read it and chills ran through my body.

Pinned Image

Those are some words to live by.

Instead of being snappy and short with everyone, I need to remember this passage. Think things through with any open mind, and an open heart. Let go of the worry and stress and open my heart to allow more love to flow through me.

I grabbed a pad of post-its, wrote this down and stuck it on my bathroom mirror to read often throughout the day. This is my new way of thinking...

Until Next Time....

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