Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm not M.I.A

I'm not missing... just a little busy! haha... I was doing so well with my blog and then started having some allergy/sinus problems and then took a small trip with a friend and my blog was put to the side for a bit....

First.... I'm not quite finished with Insanity. I should be almost done, but because of the aforementioned reasons, as well as some other issues (my body is still adjusting to changing my diet I guess, so I was getting some serious stomach cramps--- sorry--- might be TMI..haha....).... I am repeating the weeks that I slacked on, so I'm going to finish a few days later than scheduled. I would rather finish later than not at all :)

My little trip was with a friend that is relocating for her fiance to finish grad school. She is trying to get a job out there so we made the 8 hour drive for her to partake in a few interviews and also to line out everything for their apartment before they move in August. The 16+ hours in the car gave us lots of time to discuss and plan her Summer 2013 wedding though! You know me--- party planning is my favorite! While we were in Kansas, I tried some new things. We ate at Henry T's and also at Freddy's, and we also shopped at The World Market. All three were really neat! I didn't buy much--- just two candy bars from overseas. I could have spent some serious money in that store though! I'm looking forward to going back!

Since my last post, I've been keeping up on the running, researching more about what I am putting into my body, and continuing on with my lifestyle change. Tonight, I did something that I NEVER though I would do.... I ran FIVE straight breaks... I completed in 53:24.... Seriously?!?! I ran for almost an hour! Never in my life did I dream that I would do that! I remember fighting so hard in high school to complete just ONE measly little mile and tonight I did FIVE! I remind myself that it's not the speed that's completing it that does! No matter how slow I go, I'm lapping everyone that is sitting on their couch! 
When I finally stopped the run to complete the cool down, my legs felt just like rubber or jello, and I have some serious chafing under one arm. I iced my legs right away, and put some vaseline on the chafe. I'm going to look into some Body Glide and into getting some new sports bras and tanks.... I admit... I'm cheap and $40+ for a sports bra just seems ridiculous, but if it prevents chafing, I'll go for it!

I've looked up several mini marathons and have 3 options for the fall. I'm really hoping to be ready by Sept-Oct.

I mentioned that I'm researching more about the foods that I am putting into my body... .Have you really ever researched the ingredients in food labels or the dyes that we use here in the US??!?! I'm planning to blog about some of this... It's quite scary! I haven't gone to a complete raw food/natural diet, but I'm trying to cut out as much processed foods and JUNK as possible. Having a picky eater for a husband, and one that also LOVES fast food..... It's quite difficult to change what we are eating around here, but I'm trying. When he wants fast food, I pick a salad usually. Checking the calorie counts on fast food is quite concerning as well! I have not had McD's sandwiches since December 30, 2011. I do eat their chicken nuggets and salads with chicken, but I haven't had a burger or chicken sandwich from there since December.... I haven't had many sandwiches like that from any fast food place really.... I have a few here a there (from a local hamburger joint or from Steak N Shake...but not from other fast food places), but nothing like what I was consuming at this time last year. Working just over a hill from a McD's made that place very convenient for lunch!

OK... I'm worn out tonight and have our big Whisker's Walk with the students at school tomorrow, so I should be heading to bed! Until next time....

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