Friday, April 13, 2012


I have to admit something---- I skipped a full day of working out yesterday. I didn't get my insanity workout in. I came home from work and ran my errands. When I got home, I was so tired that I could barely hold my eyes open, so I laid down for a quick nap before DH got home. Just as I started to fall asleep, my phone rang. Well, then I was up....  and the husband came home and was ready for dinner. I was so tired that he helped me with most of dinner. Immediately after we ate.... I fell asleep! I fell asleep in the recliner without a blanket or anything. I was O-U-T!  I slept from 7ish until after 11! When I woke up after 11, my allergies were a mess. My right eye was so itchy that I was crying! I flushed it out forever, and it STILL hurt, so I decided to just go back to bed. I slept another 10 hours after that! I must have been exhausted!

To make up for my missed day, I'm going to do two today! Wish-Me-Luck! I'm not seeing any real results yet. I took a day 10 photo and compared to day 1. Couldn't tell any differences, really....but I do feel that my pants are fitting better.... and I still have 50 days to go!

*Edited to add:

I survived two in one day! But--- One of them was the "Cardio Recovery" which is all stretching and it's slow. I think it's my favorite of the program, but I'm a sucker for yoga :)

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