Thursday, August 13, 2009

A new blog--Truelove Ideas

So.... I have a new blog--more of a "business" blog. My brother works online, with websites and all that stuff that I don't understand. When he saw my posts about my cakes and such, he suggested that I create a place to share my ideas. I don't yet have a website (but that is his goal for me) so I'm collecting all my ideas in a new blog---

It's definitely a work in progress but the idea for it is to become a place to suggest and share money saving tips and ideas for wedding planning, cake decorating, party planning, cheap lesson plans, recycling, inexpensive recipes and so on. I've spent a lot of time researching, collecting, thinking, questioning, studying, reading, creating, and experimenting, and I would love to share my findings with others! We could all stand to save some money, right?

I hope to get blog followers and soon, followers of the website. Wish me luck!

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